الاثنين، ديسمبر 05، 2005

ummah.com forum - عرض مشاركة واحدة - secret documents reveal one of the biggest Amerikkan lies in Vietnam war

ummah.com forum - عرض مشاركة واحدة - secret documents reveal one of the biggest Amerikkan lies in Vietnam war: "euromericans know their government lies to them

its just that, thats all they have to believe in

so they are told about the lies, then they are told that there is no place better than america, so they figure, we may as well suck it up

they go thru this patriotic frenzy, not because they believe in it, its because they want to believe in it, because thats all they have to live for

sad, pathetic, superficial, temporal lives and aspirations

this why america is the best place to live on earth, because they cherish the life of this world, above all else, so they have made their lives their jannah

and others of similar weak faith are following this dajjal into the hellfire

they worship the consititution, they worship the founding fathers, they worship the pledge of allegiance, they worship movie stars, they worship movies, they worship atheletes, they worship sports

chasing dunya and forgetting akhira"

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