الاثنين، يوليو 30، 2007

The Destroyer of Pleasures - Ummah.com - Muslim Forum

The Destroyer of Pleasures - Ummah.com - Muslim Forum
The Destroyer of Pleasures

Think O’ you who are deceived by this world, of death and its agonies, how difficult and bitter a cup it is. What a true promise death is! How fair a judge it is! Death is enough to full the heart with fear and the eyes with tears, to separate people, destroy pleasure and put an end to all worldly hopes.

Have you given any thought, O’ son of Adam, to the day when you will die and will be taken out of your place? When you will move from the spaciousness (of this world) to the confines (of the grave), when friends and loved ones will let you down, and brothers and friends will desert you? When you will be taken from your bed and placed in a hole in the ground, and instead of a soft blanket you will be covered with dust and earth? O’ gatherer of wealth, O’ industrious builder, by Allah you will have nothing left of your possessions except shrouds, and even they will be destroyed and will vanish as your body disintegrates and turns to dust.

Where is the wealth that you amassed? Will it save you from these terrors? No indeed, you have left it behind for those who will not praise you, and you have come with your burdens (of sin) to the one Who will not excuse you.

(Tadhkirat al Qurtubi, p.9 - Taken from The Minor Resurrection by ‘Umar S. al Ashqar )

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