الثلاثاء، سبتمبر 01، 2009

Anything NICE about America?

Information Clearing House Newsletter
NewsYou Won't Find On CNN
August 31, 2009
"The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty" Simón Bolívar (South american liberator, soldier and statesman , 1783-1830)
"America's entire war on terror is an exercise in imperialism. This may come as a shock to Americans, who don't like to think of their country as an empire. But what else can you call America's legions of soldiers, spooks and special forces straddling the globe?" : Michael Ignatieff, New York Times, Jul. 28, 2002
"The truth is that neither British nor American imperialism was or is idealistic. It has always been driven by economic or strategic interests". Charley Reese
"Imperialism is an institution under which one nation asserts the right to seize the land or at least to control the government or resources of another people". -John T. Flynn
"We could not leave them to themselves - they were unfit for self-government - and they would soon have anarchy and misrule over there worse than Spain's was ... there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them". -U.S. President William McKinley, 1899, on the Filipinos
"I do not hesitate one second to state clearly and unmistakably: I belong to the American resistance movement which fights against American imperialism". - Paul Robeson
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,339,771"

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