الجمعة، أكتوبر 01، 2010

Reaction of the Islamic Emirate to the Request of USA for Deployment of Bangladeshi Troops

Reaction of the Islamic Emirate to the Request of USA for Deployment of Bangladeshi Troops

by Salahuddin Ayyubi Al-Fursan on Friday, October 1, 2010 at 5:49pm

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

The foreign ministry of Bangladesh has said in a press release that USA has officially requested that country to send troops to Afghanistan for participation in the already failed war mission which has been going on for the past nine years under the leadership of America.

We do not expect that Bangladesh which is predominantly Muslim country will be prepared to participate in a war and a mission that is being referred to even by the invaders themselves as a holy war against the Muslims. They have been fighting for the said objective in Iraq and Afghanistan for the past nine years and violate all values of the Islamic Ummah; commit desecration of the Holy Quran and have been perpetrating numerous open blasphemies against the holy personality of the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) who, in fact, is the rescuer of the whole humanity.

We think, the rulers of Bangladesh will surely have Islamic knowledge and political insight to avoid headlong jumping to the enmity of the Afghans by sending a few hundreds soldiers. Presumably, if the rulers commit this historical mistake, the God-fearing people of Bangladesh will not allow them to support the arch enemies of Islam against a fraternal Islamic country.

The rulers of Bangladesh should know that the foreign invaders in Afghanistan are in a state of escape. It is now not the time of troops surge and alliance with America. The military situation in Afghanistan has reached a point that even USA’s most close western allies and other important NATO members have firmly decided to flee from Afghanistan, leaving America alone there.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan believes, the government of Bangladesh will not prefer to climb the bandwagon and give their support to American whereas America itself is practically in a phase of downfall and flight in Afghanistan. Bangladesh is not a member of NATO, nor it has other legal obligations to send troops to Afghanistan; nor do the holy religion of Islam and the national interests of Bangladesh and its people permit such undertaking. Bangladesh is a prominent Islamic country and its people are no doubt steadfast Muslims.

Perhaps America intends at this final stage of its flight to tip Islamic countries in the region against each other and cash in on their differences. The Islamic country of Bangladesh should support its Muslim Mujahid brothers instead of America and fulfill its responsibility in the struggle of the miserable Afghans for obtainment of independence and establishment of stability in the whole region.

Source: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

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