الأحد، فبراير 12، 2006

Muslims destroy Valentines cards - Ummah.com

Muslims destroy Valentines cards

To label people without looking deeper than a headline, has to be the epitome of the statement 'ostriching or sticking your head in the sand'. Many movements, from ghandi to martin luther king, were involved with various types of civil disobedience

and the protectors of the status quo said the same thing, hooligans, criminals, we must have law and order, and other sheepish responses

i am not saying that tearing up embassies over cartoons is a good thing, but one must understand that oppression is worse than slaughter, disprespecting the prophet is a grave injustice to any and all muslims (except those who are westernized and think its not big deal to disrespect our prophet)

similarly, sept 11 has a cause, and sept 11 was the effect

euromerica has been oppressing people for hundreds of years, and during the 60's people thought they had removed the shackles of euromerican oppression, but what they found out is that euromerica is indeed conspiratorial and they conspired to leave their colonies in the hands of oppressive governments. Governments that were much more oppressive than their colonial masters. This gave Euromerica the best of both worlds

They no longer had to dirty their hands by being known as interlopers, oppressors, colonialists, they could impress the world with their human rights and freedom and democracy and liberty

in the meanwhile, their colonial puppets were at hand, denying their own people the rights that the colonial masters shouted from the highest mountains

so now, in 2000, the world sees the evil of the oppressors, as the curtain has been pulled from the colonial puppets, whether it was mubarak, or fahd, or musharraf, and the people are awakening

and this awakening is manifesting itself in different arenas, this valentines thing is such a small blip on the screen, but it is just one more village, one more town, one more area what is awakening to shed t"

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