الجمعة، فبراير 24، 2006

Who can you look to to denounce violence amongst the Muslim leaders?

Kuffir gets 3 years for daring to speak out against the Jews - Page 4 - Ummah.com: "muslims cannot denoucne the terrorists, because the terrorists are the ONLY ones standing up for the muslims

so when you guys start talking about rogue states, moderate regimes, democratic islamic states, etc

none of this means anything to muslims who are watching their brothers and sister suffer under the worst onslaught since the mongols

no other muslim government or entity is standing up for the muslims

so why would we cheer saudi arabia, musharraf, qaddafi or any of these other lackeys, and what they approve or condemn

and euromericans, for all of their protesting, and petitioning, they still reside in england and the usa and are very comfortable that for the foreseeable future, they are safe and sound

this is why the patriot act can be passed, over and over, because there is nothing for the average euromerican to worry about, but for every muslim, it is nothing but one more nail in the coffin

the only thing that removes one nail out of the coffin are the bin ladens, zawahiris, zarqawis, etc

May Allah bless these strong lions of this deen, amin"

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