الاثنين، نوفمبر 03، 2008

At-Tibyân Publications - How Similar Is Today To Yesterday!

At-Tibyān Publications


How Similar Is Today To Yesterday!

Full Translation of the Audio Khutbah “Baghdād Between Two Falls”

By Dr. Rāghib As-Sirjānī

May Allāh preserve him

Divisions of the Lecture:

1. How Similar Is Today To Yesterday!

2. The Causes of the Ummah’s Defeat

3. How Can Victory Be Achieved?

4. A Major Difference Between the First Fall of Baghdād and the Second Fall of Baghdād

5. Important Lessons From the Story of the Mujāhid Reviver, Sayf Ad-Dīn Qutuz

“We see in the course of history, that there are some individual men who truly, truly changed the course of history. But, despite the clarity of this, and the obviousness of this matter in front of our eyes in all the pages of history, what is strange is that people always look for this person outside of their homes, outside of their streets and their cities. They always think that this man will come from far, far, away; that he is far away in place and in time. They think he might come from outside of the earth! Subhān Allāh.

Why doesn’t each one of us prepare himself and his family and his sons and his brothers to be the reviver? Why shouldn’t you be Qutuz? Why shouldn’t your son be Qutuz? Why shouldn’t he be your brother? Why do we study history? We spent 12 lessons speaking on history [1]. Do we not study it so we can follow the path of the righteous and avoid the path of the criminals? Why do we not follow Qutuz’s clear, established steps so we can reach ‘Ayn Jālūt in a time where the Tattār or those like them have become plenty?

Wallāhi my brothers, we no longer have an excuse. The Hujjah has been established upon us.”

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